class Stack[A] {
private var elements: List[A] = Nil
def push(x: A) { elements = x :: elements }
def peek: A = elements.head
def pop(): A = {
val currentTop = peek
elements = elements.tail
val stack = new Stack[Int]
println(stack.pop) // prints 2
println(stack.pop) // prints 1
class Fruit
class Apple extends Fruit
class Banana extends Fruit
val stack = new Stack[Fruit]
val apple = new Apple
val banana = new Banana
逆变和协变相反,使用-A来表示。对于某个类 class Writer[-A] ,使 A 逆变意味着对于两种类型 C 和 D,如果 C 是 D 的子类型,那么 Writer[D] 是 Writer[C] 的子类型。
abstract class Printer[-A] {
def print(value: A): Unit
class AnimalPrinter extends Printer[Animal] {
def print(animal: Animal): Unit =
println("The animal's name is: " +
class CatPrinter extends Printer[Cat] {
def print(cat: Cat): Unit =
println("The cat's name is: " +
abstract class Animal {
def name: String
abstract class Pet extends Animal {}
class Cat extends Pet {
override def name: String = "Cat"
class Dog extends Pet {
override def name: String = "Dog"
class Lion extends Animal {
override def name: String = "Lion"
class PetContainer[P <: Pet](p: P) {
def pet: P = p
val dogContainer = new PetContainer[Dog](new Dog)
val catContainer = new PetContainer[Cat](new Cat)
// this would not compile
val lionContainer = new PetContainer[Lion](new Lion)
class Graph {
class Node {
var connectedNodes: List[Node] = Nil
def connectTo(node: Node) {
if (!connectedNodes.exists(node.equals)) {
connectedNodes = node :: connectedNodes
var nodes: List[Node] = Nil
def newNode: Node = {
val res = new Node
nodes = res :: nodes
val graph1: Graph = new Graph
val node1: graph1.Node = graph1.newNode
val node2: graph1.Node = graph1.newNode
val node3: graph1.Node = graph1.newNode
val graph1: Graph = new Graph
val node1: graph1.Node = graph1.newNode
val node2: graph1.Node = graph1.newNode
node1.connectTo(node2) // legal
val graph2: Graph = new Graph
val node3: graph2.Node = graph2.newNode
node1.connectTo(node3) // illegal!
class Graph {
class Node {
var connectedNodes: List[Graph#Node] = Nil
def connectTo(node: Graph#Node) {
if (!connectedNodes.exists(node.equals)) {
connectedNodes = node :: connectedNodes
var nodes: List[Node] = Nil
def newNode: Node = {
val res = new Node
nodes = res :: nodes
trait Buffer {
type T
val element: T
abstract class SeqBuffer extends Buffer {
type U
type T <: Seq[U]
def length = element.length
trait User {
def username: String
trait Tweeter {
this: User => // 重新赋予 this 的类型
def tweet(tweetText: String) = println(s"$username: $tweetText")
class VerifiedTweeter(val username_ : String) extends Tweeter with User { // 我们混入特质 User 因为 Tweeter 需要
def username = s"real $username_"
val realBeyoncé = new VerifiedTweeter("Beyoncé")
realBeyoncé.tweet("Just spilled my glass of lemonade") // 打印出 "real Beyoncé: Just spilled my glass of lemonade"
因为我们在特质 trait Tweeter 中定义了 this: User =>,现在变量 username 可以在 tweet 方法内使用。 这也意味着,由于 VerifiedTweeter 继承了 Tweeter,它还必须混入 User(使用 with User)。
abstract class Monoid[A] {
def add(x: A, y: A): A
def unit: A
object ImplicitTest {
implicit val stringMonoid: Monoid[String] = new Monoid[String] {
def add(x: String, y: String): String = x concat y
def unit: String = ""
implicit val intMonoid: Monoid[Int] = new Monoid[Int] {
def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
def unit: Int = 0
def sum[A](xs: List[A])(implicit m: Monoid[A]): A =
if (xs.isEmpty) m.unit
else m.add(xs.head, sum(xs.tail))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println(sum(List(1, 2, 3))) // uses IntMonoid implicitly
println(sum(List("a", "b", "c"))) // uses StringMonoid implicitly
在 main 方法中我们调用了 sum 方法两次,并且只传入参数 xs。 Scala 会在上例的上下文范围内寻找隐式值。 第一次调用 sum 方法的时候传入了一个 List[Int] 作为 xs 的值,这意味着此处类型 A 是 Int。 隐式参数列表 m 被省略了,因此 Scala 将查找类型为 Monoid[Int] 的隐式值。
intMonoid 是一个隐式定义,可以在main中直接访问。 并且它的类型也正确,因此它会被自动传递给 sum 方法。
第二次调用 sum 方法的时候传入一个 List[String],这意味着此处类型 A 是 String。 与查找 Int 型的隐式参数时类似,但这次会找到 stringMonoid,并自动将其作为 m 传入。
import scala.language.implicitConversions
implicit def list2ordered[A](x: List[A])
(implicit elem2ordered: A => Ordered[A]): Ordered[List[A]] =
new Ordered[List[A]] {
//replace with a more useful implementation
def compare(that: List[A]): Int = 1