case class Message(sender: String, recipient: String, body: String)
val message1 = Message("", "", "Ça va ?")
println(message1.sender) // prints
message1.sender = "" // this line does not compile
case class的比较是按值比较的,而不是按引用:
case class Message(sender: String, recipient: String, body: String)
val message2 = Message("", "", "Com va?")
val message3 = Message("", "", "Com va?")
val messagesAreTheSame = message2 == message3 // true
可以使用copy来做case class的浅拷贝。
case class Message(sender: String, recipient: String, body: String)
val message4 = Message("", "", "Me zo o komz gant ma amezeg")
val message5 = message4.copy(sender = message4.recipient, recipient = "")
message5.sender //
message5.recipient //
message5.body // "Me zo o komz gant ma amezeg"
import scala.util.Random
val x: Int = Random.nextInt(10)
x match {
case 0 => "zero"
case 1 => "one"
case 2 => "two"
case _ => "other"
最后一个case _表示匹配其余所有情况。
def matchTest(x: Int): String = x match {
case 1 => "one"
case 2 => "two"
case _ => "other"
matchTest(3) // other
matchTest(1) // one
case也可以匹配case class, 如下所示:
abstract class Notification
case class Email(sender: String, title: String, body: String) extends Notification
case class SMS(caller: String, message: String) extends Notification
case class VoiceRecording(contactName: String, link: String) extends Notification
def showNotification(notification: Notification): String = {
notification match {
case Email(sender, title, _) =>
s"You got an email from $sender with title: $title"
case SMS(number, message) =>
s"You got an SMS from $number! Message: $message"
case VoiceRecording(name, link) =>
s"you received a Voice Recording from $name! Click the link to hear it: $link"
val someSms = SMS("12345", "Are you there?")
val someVoiceRecording = VoiceRecording("Tom", "")
println(showNotification(someSms)) // prints You got an SMS from 12345! Message: Are you there?
println(showNotification(someVoiceRecording)) // you received a Voice Recording from Tom! Click the link to hear it:
def showImportantNotification(notification: Notification, importantPeopleInfo: Seq[String]): String = {
notification match {
case Email(sender, _, _) if importantPeopleInfo.contains(sender) =>
"You got an email from special someone!"
case SMS(number, _) if importantPeopleInfo.contains(number) =>
"You got an SMS from special someone!"
case other =>
showNotification(other) // nothing special, delegate to our original showNotification function
abstract class Device
case class Phone(model: String) extends Device {
def screenOff = "Turning screen off"
case class Computer(model: String) extends Device {
def screenSaverOn = "Turning screen saver on..."
def goIdle(device: Device) = device match {
case p: Phone => p.screenOff
case c: Computer => c.screenSaverOn
sealed abstract class Furniture
case class Couch() extends Furniture
case class Chair() extends Furniture
def findPlaceToSit(piece: Furniture): String = piece match {
case a: Couch => "Lie on the couch"
case b: Chair => "Sit on the chair"
class Project(name: String, daysToComplete: Int)
class Test {
val project1 = new Project("TPS Reports", 1)
val project2 = new Project("Website redesign", 5)
info("Created projects") // Prints "INFO: Created projects"
import scala.math._
case class Circle(radius: Double) {
import Circle._
def area: Double = calculateArea(radius)
object Circle {
private def calculateArea(radius: Double): Double = Pi * pow(radius, 2.0)
val circle1 = Circle(5.0)
import scala.util.matching.Regex
val numberPattern: Regex = "[0-9]".r
numberPattern.findFirstMatchIn("awesomepassword") match {
case Some(_) => println("Password OK")
case None => println("Password must contain a number")
import scala.util.matching.Regex
val keyValPattern: Regex = "([0-9a-zA-Z-#() ]+): ([0-9a-zA-Z-#() ]+)".r
val input: String =
"""background-color: #A03300;
|background-image: url(img/header100.png);
|background-position: top center;
|background-repeat: repeat-x;
|background-size: 2160px 108px;
|margin: 0;
|height: 108px;
|width: 100%;""".stripMargin
for (patternMatch <- keyValPattern.findAllMatchIn(input))
println(s"key: ${} value: ${}")
case class User(name: String, age: Int)
val userBase = List(User("Travis", 28),
User("Kelly", 33),
User("Jennifer", 44),
User("Dennis", 23))
val twentySomethings = for (user <- userBase if (user.age >=20 && user.age < 30))
yield // i.e. add this to a list
twentySomethings.foreach(name => println(name)) // prints Travis Dennis
def foo(n: Int, v: Int) =
for (i <- 0 until n;
j <- i until n if i + j == v)
yield (i, j)
foo(10, 10) foreach {
case (i, j) =>
println(s"($i, $j) ") // prints (1, 9) (2, 8) (3, 7) (4, 6) (5, 5)